Homophobia in Sport Toolkit

Australia’s Play By The Rules has a range of helpful resouces on hand to eliminate homophobia from sport. Unfair treatment based on someone’s sexuality – or assumptions about their sexuality – is discrimination and has no place in any sporting or recreation environment

Unfair treatment based on someone’s sexuality – or assumptions about their sexuality – is unfair discrimination and has no place in any sport and recreation environment.  Good news is there are plenty of actions you can take to ensure that homophobia and sexuality discrimination does not exist at your club or association..

Play by the Rules has assembled a range of articles, videos, tools and education resources to help create awareness of gay, lesbian and bisexual issues in sport. Check out the following:

In 2015 Play by the Rules launched the You Can Play campaign to address homophobia in sport issues. It features a host of sports stars with the simple message ‘regardless of sexuality, if you can play, you can play’. Check out our Videos section and download any of our videos for use on your own website. 

 There are many more You Can Play videos featuring sports administrators and advocates you might find useful on our YouTube Channel – http://youtube.com/playbytherulesspor

The interactive scenario’ on Homophobia and Sexuality Discrimination provides: myths and stereotypes about homosexuality; the rights and responsibilities of club administrators, coaches and players in relation to sexuality issues in sport; and the actions administrators can take to provide positive leadership.

Download a comprehensive fact sheet on ‘Sexuality and homophobia in sport The Templates section Play By The Rules includes a Member Protection Policy and Code of Conduct, which outlines points to consider regarding homophobia in sport.

Also see the powerful and moving story of Gus Johnston, a young man passionate about his hockey (who played for Victoria and over 202 State League One games for the Essendon Hockey Club). Gus has shown courage and leadership off the pitch by producing a video to highlight his personal challenges and experiences in relation to his sexuality, and the homophobia he witnessed in his time in the sport.


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